millionthvisitor com - guaranteed promotion of your site with only 10 Euros

Released on = May 2, 2006, 2:30 pm

Press Release Author =

Industry = Management

Press Release Summary = - an innovative and effective way to
promote your site, guaranteed traffic while low expenses

Press Release Body = We are glad to announce that site is fully
operational. Inspired by the onemilliondollarhomepage this site offers pixel
advertisement capability, yet it is not one more pixel-selling sites. Having adopted
a technique, that will be explained later, we in managed to
make the pixel advertisements more effective.
In the pixel selling sites arose the past months, advertisers spent an amount of
money in order to be entitled to post their advertising image on an available grid.
However there was no guarantee that this advertisement would be successful, since
visiting could not be ensured. Soon or later visitors was about to loose their
interest for visiting the aforementioned sites. The reason was that there was no
motive for the latter to come again. Having noticed this infectivity, we established
motives for our visitors so as to stimulate them to revisit our webpage again an
again. The idea is to set a prize for the millionth visitor of the site. The prize
is 10,000, which will be a part from the money collected by the pixels sold.
Visitors counting will start as soon as all pixels are sold. Meanwhile smaller
prizes will be given so as to encourage visits even if pixels are not sold. The
basic concept of our prize strategy is that in order the visitor be entitled to win
the prize, he/she has to click on an advertisement. Thus we ensure that visitors
will keep coming to our site and will visit our clients sites. Also through our
secondary prize project (the one that takes place regardless of the huge prize of
the 10,000) we can promote our sponsors products, since offered prizes would be
offers that the latter would provide to our visitor, for example a 10% sale. The aim
would be to urge the visitors buy the product. Again for a visitor to ascertain
his/her win, he/she has to click on an advertisement.
We inform that everyone wants to join our advertising project is kindly asked to
visit our homepage for further information or
contact with the support team at

Web Site =

Contact Details = Papanoutsou 7 Street,

tel: +306944316455

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